WELCOME TO WESTMEAD DOCTORSIf you require After Hours consult, please phone Sydney Medical on: (02) 8724 6300

02 9687 4000
- Women’s & Men’s Health
- Infant & Children’s Health
- Skin Cancer
- Minor Procedures
- Mental health
- Travel Medicine
- Health screening
- Diabetes & Chronic Disease Management
- Work injuries & Work cover
- Pathology
- Specialist Services
- General Practitioners
- Practice Nurse
- Reception Staff
- Practice Manager
- Onsite Pathology service includes blood collection centre
- Shop 6
Coles Westmead
29-33 Darcy Road Westmead 2145
- Ph: (02) 9687 4000
- F: (02) 9687 4005
- Email Reception
- FREE 2 Hours of Secure Parking

We believe that every person should be treated with respect and dignity. We view our relationship with you as special and integral to your health.
We believe that a good relationship with your doctor is as important to your health as a healthy lifestyle.
Your health is in our heart.
To improve the quality of life for patients and families and build a healthier community
To improve the quality of life for our patients and families and build a healthier community by providing patient centred care in a caring, compassionate and culturally sensitive environment.
We aim to provide patient and family centred care. What does this mean for our patients?
Our patients and their families work in partnership with our team and play an active role in decision making to improve the health of their own and their loved ones.
How do we thrive to achieve this?
WE look through the patient’s eyes and understand their perspectives. We RESPECT the following core elements in achieving our goals:
- Respect: We respect patients’ preferences and values
- Empathy – Our team is empathetic and actively willing to discuss the emotional concerns of our patients
- Sensitivity: We are very sensitive to the non-medical, cultural and spiritual dimensions of our patients and their families in our care
- Privacy: We protect your privacy that complies with the Australian Privacy Legislation.
- Empowerment: We actively involve the patients and their families in decision making.
- Committed, Caring, Compassionate, Communicative, Collaborative and Continuity of Care
- Transparency on our quality of care